Abraxas: It's really just our desire to add more variety to the game. As developers, diversity is what keeps things interesting. We love to come up with new angles for the game, and this is just a manifestation of that desire.
MS: Have you decided already on what option you are going to use when it comes to changing your in-game nick, and if so when can we expect to see this option?Abraxas: No, we still haven't come to a decision on this. Whatever we choose, I'm pretty certain that we won't allow people to change names freely, as often as they desire.
En er is nog meer AA nieuws, want op Miltitary Sim is er een interview met Alex Mayberry, een van de ontwerpers van America's Army, verschenen. Het vraaggesprek gaat over de patch, de ontwikkeling van het spel en wat we in de toekomst kunnen verwachten.Met dank aan MarksMan.nl voor het melden van dit nieuws