Na eerdere trailers deze week is er een derde trailer van No Man's Sky uitgebracht.
Metropolis Street Racer(MSR) zorgt ervoor dat de Dreamcast hoog in de verkooplijsten komt.
In de eerste paar dagen(MSR is 3 november uitgekomen) zijn er alleen in de UK al 13.297 van verkocht.Bizarre Creations' Metropolis Street Racer has made a promising showing in its first week against heavy competition at retail in the UK, placing at fifth in the all-formats chart.
According to Charttrack, MSR moved 13,297 units for the week ending November 4. Above the sensational city racer came Red Alert 2 (PC) with 14,265, FIFA 2001 (PlayStation) with 14,276, Champ Manager: Season 00/01 (PC) with 34,976 and top of the heap was Who Wants to be a Millionaire with 38,584.
Soon-to-be-released in the US, MSR is without a doubt the finest racing game you're going to play this year on any format. It packs incredibly realistic graphics from San Francisco, London and Tokyo and has gameplay deeper than Loch Ne . It's bloody great, and if you haven't got a Dreamcast, you should go out this Christmas and buy one just for this. Simple as that.
MSR is zeker een reden om een Dreamcast aan te schaffen.
Verwacht zodra het console gedeelte online is een review van deze topgame.