UT Infiltration 2.80 is uit | Gamer.nl

Na eerdere trailers deze week is er een derde trailer van No Man's Sky uitgebracht.

Je hebt StrikeForce, Tactical Ops en Infiltration. Drie tactische Mods voor UT. Ondanks dat ze echte wapens hebben verschillen ze in gameplay toch behoorlijk van elkaar. De makers van Infiltration zijn hard bezig geweest met versie 2.80 en deze is dan ook eindelijk te downloaden.

Marco bedankt voor de tip ! In our infamous posture of not giving in to the pre ures of the general public, we've finally arrived at the point in time where the team feels comfortable enough to go ahead with a release date to our Infiltration 2.80 package. The lack of updates for the past few months have been a result of a busy real life schedule and the decision to spend our free time working on this game rather than posting news. Once this release is out, that will slowly change as we switch gears from raw development to getting players everywhere into the spirit of Infiltration! Now on to the release date! [drum roll please........] Two more days!! Yes, that's right, Wednesday the 18th will be our official release. [throws confetti] Because of the large package sizes, it'll take some time to get things uploaded, so no specific time will be given. The game content will be approximately 40MB, and the maps will be around 30MB. Both in UMOD and manual zip form.Download van deze site versie 2.80 en bij behorende maps.
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