Dreamcast/PS2 rom sites | Gamer.nl

Na eerdere trailers deze week is er een derde trailer van No Man's Sky uitgebracht.

Het illegaal distribueren van ISO's en roms van Dreamcast en PS2 spellen wordt al snel een groter probleem. Tegenwoordig bieden al heel veel sites het aan (nee we gaan ze niet noemen ) The UK is now seeing an influx of pirated Dreamcast games. Where CD writers were considered exotic three and even two years ago, any user with a writeable CD drive can now burn copies of whatever files they like to recordable CDs. One CVG staff member was contacted this morning with information that at least 25 Dreamcast games, written to CD, were available to him through contacts for £10 each. The CD boot disc, the code for which emerged le than a week ago, costs a mere £5.As far as PlayStation 2 is concerned, we received word from Asia last week that consoles had been seen running recordable CDs. We've found several sites today selling “high quality commercial reproduction of PlayStation 2 and Dreamcast backups for US$7.49”. One outlet listed 17 games as being available for PlayStation 2.Sega i ued an official statement to CVG today, and the tone will come as no surprise: “Sega has recently determined that counterfeit Dreamcast software has been now released and is available from some websites and in some stores. This software violates Sega's intellectual property rights and is illegal. More importantly, it prevents Sega and the companies who develop software for Dreamcast from recovering their costs in developing software, thereby hindering the development of new and innovative software products. Sega will take all nece ary steps in protecting its intellectual property and aggre ively pursue all infringers.” No official word has come from Sony.Aub geen URLs posten van dit soort sites, ze zullen meteen worden gecensureerd, om duidelijke redenen.

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