De Gameindustrie na Ground Zero |

Na eerdere trailers deze week is er een derde trailer van No Man's Sky uitgebracht.

11 september is een dag die iedereen zich nog lang zal heugen. De wereld is veranderd op deze dag en ook in de gameindustrie zijn de effecten merkbaar.

Op VoodooExtreme is een uitgebreid verhaal te vinden geschreven door Kareem "Moby" Harper. Er wordt gekeken naar de directe gevolgen van de aanslag, spellen die zijn veranderd of stopgezet en er wordt een blik in de toekomst geworpen. Zal Soldier Of Fortune 2 zich moeten aanpa en en wat te denken van Flight Simulator ?Flight Simulators may be questioned for their realism. Early rumors and news reports following the attack pointed fingers at Microsoft's Flight Simulator. I remember hearing one US Senator mention briefly on CNN that the individuals that attacked the WTC could have easily purchased a PC program to a ist them in piloting the planes. The developers behind upcoming first person shooters such as Soldier of Fortune 2 and Deus Ex 2 may have to rethink how they addre certain subjects. Even Red Alert 2's upcoming add-on Yuri's Revenge, featuring attacks on US soil may be eyed wearily. Our fun times aren't nece arily grinding to a halt, but we must proceed with caution.

One can argue that the designers and publishers shouldn't worry. In time things will cool down. Such titles may even help lighten the mood of the current political environment, like satirical cartoons, or even empower individuals - fueling the illusion they are contributing to the war. Even then, we have a nasty habit of typecasting enemies. Already typecasting in a real world setting has resulted in innocent people here in the United States being threatened, attacked, and even killed. Let's not sour the mood though, and focus on gaming again.

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