Kortste Q3 DeathMatch ooit | Gamer.nl

Na eerdere trailers deze week is er een derde trailer van No Man's Sky uitgebracht.

Tijdens de introductie van het 'heetste nieuwtje' van dit jaar, de Crusoe-chip van Transmeta, werd twee corifeeen van het bedrijf gevraagd om een demonstratie van de nieuwe technologie te demonstreren. Linus Torvald (De vader van Linux) en Dave Taylor (voormalig id) hielden een Q3 deathmatch op 2 Crusoe-machines. Een onder Windows en een onder Linux. Linus verloor kansloos in 2 minuten. Slashdot had dit te melden:Then to break things up, there was the historic Quake showdown between Quake co-creator David Taylor and Linus. "I can't think of anybody better on the face of the planet to demonstrate Crusoe on Linux than Linus Torvalds," Laird joked. The photographers rushed towards the stage again for the even-more-obvious photo-op as Linus came out in his denim shirt, jeans, and sandals. ("I'd like to point out that if I lose, it's not the operating system," Linus joked.) It all ended when Linus fired all his bullets in a spray, then got nailed when he ran out of ammo. (Later in the pre conference, after a bunch of questions about his role and Transmeta, Linus referred back to the Quake game, saying it was "meant to show that I'm here, but I'm not supposed to be the main point of it all.") One of Transmeta's technical staffers told me at lunch that "We all knew Linus was gonna get his a kicked," and sure enough, when I asked Dave Taylor what he thought of Linus's Quake-playing, he said "I thought he sucked." But then he added modestly "I suck at code compared to him. So that felt good." Gelukkig heeft hij dus meer verstand van programmeren.
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